Top Heavy Relationships, Being Fit for Society and other thoughts…

C. Hunter (she/her)
4 min readJan 18, 2022
Photo by Jasmine Carter from Pexels

Last weekend, I started the series Euphoria over on HBOmax and it was not what I expected. I have been all in since the last season of Insecure wrapped and And Just Like That… aired so I figured I might as well take advantage of everything available on the app. The show actually reminded me of my high school days and boy were times different.

Last nights episode (Ep2S2), was a little interesting because it brought about thoughts from my relationships from high school that have shaped my whole outlook on life. I honestly felt bad for Maddy, but Nate ain’t ‘ish at all (both of them are manipulative tho). He did all that stuff (if you watch the show — he beat up the guy he thought raped Maddy at the party because she was underage etc) then karma hit him with a few jabs itself. I mean ultimately I feel like he is being forced by the universe to make another decision by dating Cassie. Of course, while everyone pours out their hearts with “poor Maddy” but like the saying in my last post “nothing changes, if nothing changes”.

“We… got away with a lot of stuff in my day and age so if Euphoria is a depiction of what goes on present day then all y’all teenage parents are in for a wild ride.”

The show has sucked me in and I really would like for a lot of parents to pay attention to their children. We honestly got away with a lot of stuff in my day and age so if Euphoria is a depiction of what goes on present day then all y’all teenage parents are in for a wild ride. I even detail some of these events in my short story “The Baccalaureate”.

Truth be told kids from the suburbs are often times worst than the kids raised in the city. I went to high school in an area across town from the “rich kids” and that’s where most of the drug bust were right outside of where all the kids who were from across the tracks. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Hell, I was told I wasn’t a good influence to most my friends and I am a city kid (and turned out slightly a better person).

“I do not want to ever entertain another female friend, acquaintance or classmate from high school…”

Anyhow, many of the scenes in the show really are why I am the way I am today. The girls probably don’t mean anything by dating the same guys and trying to compete with you, as teenagers BUT as adults they should know better and I have been baffled. I do not want to ever entertain another female friend, acquaintance or classmate from high school or (sadly) with “just” a high school education AND most definitely NO MORALS or standards. You’ve got to have business about yourself, okay?!?

These women are just too much and I say this because you will never be able to trust a woman with an IQ or experiences that are not on the level that you are. *Don’t get me wrong the men from high school and that have had the audacity to approach me have been hot messes too. I’ve been derailed enough. Some relationships are just too top heavy to entertain at certain times in your life. Some people, in general, are just not fit for society.

People may feel the same about me as I sit unmarried and childless but those are my life decisions and I’d prefer to be alone than have a dead beat baby daddy, no baby daddy present at all or be apart of a circus. Trust me, I’d probably be King Clown out of the crew because my baby would deserve the best!

All jokes aside, I always like to think of a situation I observed with a special needs kid. They had no clue that they were being asked to join the other children (in the room) so when an adult attempted to gain their attention or retrieve the kid, they thought it was a game of chase. You wouldn’t have even known the kid was special needs until that situation. Think about that.

“we’re all ugly to somebody” -saying

Think about how many handicapped adults there are in this world who do not know that they are handicapped, and it’s mainly because society or their families have made them feel that their lives or behaviors are normal. Sadly, they’ve probably done so to spare the need for additional attention or whatever the issues are. Now don’t get me wrong, many of those with handicaps are no different than any of us who are deemed perfectly normal but keep in mind the saying “we’re all ugly to somebody” so depending whatever standard you are being judged anyone can be handicapped or deemed unfit for society, at any given time.



C. Hunter (she/her)

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