The Last Thing On My Mind…

C. Hunter (she/her)
3 min readSep 26, 2021
Image via Unsplash by Rene Ranisch

Recently, I realized that the Carolinas (and all over the U.S. potentially) don’t have common sense. I mean the saying “Common sense isn’t *that common” isn’t around for nothing but I think that it originated in places like the Carolinas.

I cannot tell you all how many times I’ve been “heckled” or discriminated on by a man or racially profiled by a White person or a Hispanic, because it’s becoming extreme and out of control; and I have to admit that it has affected my mental health.

I have not understood why men of all backgrounds in these states feel entitled to relationships or degrade education in exchange for making themselves feel more adequate, and I don’t want to.

I also don’t want any man to feel comfortable with making rash and impulsive decisions because they feel like they should be a leader in a life they had no parts in making or building. It has cost me so much time and money.

I’m not interested in dating men at work or on the support staff anywhere I do business. I’m not interested in dating some low class man who only has sex or impure motives on their mind, or building a life with someone who has no drive or common sense to pursue their own goals and ambitions before that of another person. Especially, not interested in someone whose been after a woman they’ve been stalking or have lusted over (for years).

Currently, the last thing on my mind is a relationship. I mean what are we doing here? Are we teaching and raising men to look for women to take care of them, target women and chase them to make them “baby them” (yes, some of these men will chase you then expect you to take care of them) or be their next baby mama while the world falls apart?

This world is so backwards.

I don’t need anyone praying for me who has a drinking or any other substance abuse problem. I don’t want to be connected to someone with multiple children, no long term employment or career ambitions that aren’t an undocumented hustle (c’mon, if you’re over 30 you should have a W2 or a business that pays taxes to the government).

The last thing I need is someone who has stalked my exes or interests on social media (ie one of the reason it’s been taken down) and want to take over my “brand” or get my business.

I am simply just not interested nor in a place in my life to be chased or connect myself to a man that I have not sought out (in any capacity — Relationship, business etc), be entertained inappropriately nor bring in a new person. You can thank the last guy and the good impulsive and racially charged people of the Carolinas.

Many of these guys (and people overall) have been so impulsive that it’s sad, and it’s affecting my mental health.



C. Hunter (she/her)

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